Sunday, February 13, 2011


I was commissioned a while back to make a shadow box with hummingbirds. I ran into the person that commissioned me last week and was reminded that this still needed to be done. It turns out the timing was just right, the shadow box set is a gift to her partner. Valentines Day is tomorrow and the happy couple also went to a hummingbird festival thing dingy on Friday.

I wasn't sure how I was going to pull off the birds for this. At first I thought I would just do collage work and then I figured I should try drawing them.

Not bad eh? This is one of something like 3-5 times I have ever drawn a bird or colored it in.

The colors really don't show up well in the photos but you get the idea.

I was originally going to only do one shadow box but thought it would be better to make two. Two would just flow better and one seemed lonely.

Below I used cork to sturdy them for the shadow box

empty boxes waiting for the birdies.

and... here is the final product. Again, the pictures really don't do it justice. I had another picture with more depth but it would not load properly. So..  you are stuck with this.

I sure hope it goes over well. If not I guess I have some cute hummingbird shadow boxes for my wall.

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