Loved the Art In A Box headquarters.. it was cleverly decorated as you can see below. I kept thinking to that I could be comfortable doing work in this room.
Below is Crystal Morey's studio space. I should clarify that she shares space with Alissa Goss, you can see some of Alissa's work on the table in the background and wall.

One of the walls in Crystal's studio - You can't see the drawings very well but they are great. I really like her drawing style as well as her sculpture.
Look at that awesome press in the common area.
Part of the reason I really wanted to visit was to see my bud Ryan and his studio space.
Hi Ryan!
That's one big screen printing table. Ryan is going to teach me more about printing and help me with the printing of some chickens.
Here's some of Ryan's work in his studio.
And a painting he did in school which I thought was phenomenal. I don't know if you can tell but it's very large.
I've never been to Compound space before and Ryan showed me around. Here is the wood shop, pretty great for a studio space to have.
While Ryan and I were chatting in the wood shop some random guy wandered in thinking it was a public area. Woops! Once he left we hurried out of there and turned out the lights.
Below is Alison OK Frost's space, I was suspicious that it was too clean and no one could do work in such a tidy environment. Alison said she cleaned before the show.. I was relieved that she wasn't a robot or super human (maybe she is).
Some of the pieces in the gallery by Alison.
Below are some of Ryan's work in the gallery
It was a pretty good time and turn out.
Couldn't help but stop into the Professor Squirrel's little shop. If you know me you know I'm a self proclaimed squirrel whisperer. tee hee.
The shop had some pretty cool items to buy.
Neat stuff.
Way to go Compound and Art in a Box.
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