Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the lil pocket pal

I spent most of the day yesterday in the studio working away on books. I took a small break and made these little guys. I ended up selling all of them last night while I was out.

They are hand stitched and super compact. They fit perfectly in the coin pocket of your favorite jeans.

I know that it's not needed in today's world but that's why I made it. It's my attempt to take a step back from the smart phone.

Don't get me wrong.. I'm attached to my phone but this is just for your random thoughts or reminders etc.

not to mention it's super cute and if I saw someone pulling that out of their pocket I would die a little inside.

I'm going to sell some of these at Oakland Under $100 for 3.00 each.. and I may include mini pencils to go with them.

on the turntable with all the rain:

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