Sunday, November 28, 2010

the nest

My nest or what I also call my command center... I rule the world from this couch at times, in fact I'm doing just that right now. I thought I would share where I spend many hours these days. The nest is so cozy and warm in front of the fire and it also harbors most of the important things I need while creating art and everything else. Yes, I still use my studio for things but it's a bit cold and not in front of the t.v. or fire.

I will be spending a lot of time in the nest today.. I woke up a bit nervous about the event. I have a lot to pull together before Friday. Not only my own art but everything else. The command center is littered with notes and reminders.

My other nest (my bed) has been helpful as well... what I mean by this is that I work out a lot of things in my sleep or half sleep. When I'm not dreaming super vivid dreams, I'm fixing things with brainstorming and solutions. Are you like this? I organize in my sleep as well and wake up with an idea of how the day should play out. Whether this happens or not is determined by if I keep thinking about it or write it down when I get up. I'm lucky that most things stick in my head.

eeeps.. I better get to work.


  1. I like the strategically placed mason jar of wine - an essential part of the command center!

  2. That's water my friend.. the wine comes later in the day. And yes.. it's a nice add on to the command center.
